kill the one

And kill the one who carries it .
What is that , some kind of Latin concept ? Kill the one you love ?
And kill the one who carries it
The rioters vowed to kill the one person theyblamed forall their troubles , the symbol of the hated rich - Marie Antoinette .
After pacing to and fro in much , he struck his forehead , and burst out in a wild strain , singing of his hatred for Roderigo , his love for Zara , and his pleasing resolution to kill the one and win the other .
He said that he would kill the child one day .
Our best plan was to kill the pirates one by one until the rest ran off or sailed away in the ship .
with a bellyful of wine and a girl 's mouth around my cock . Take the half man . He can dance for the children . Kill the other one .
The fly which Chaplin didn 't kill was not the one which had rested on his nose .
It says one interrogator threatened to kill the children of one 9 / 11 suspect , while another threatened a detainee 's mother .
But we cannot kill all the dogs because one of them bit its master .
I think the relationship is close , for in many cases a seasoned boxer can 't kill the enemy in only one move , as a matter of fact , a series of moves are needed .